
Monty Hopkins

If you are not sure if you have been entered or are concerned about days and events please check the Pro-Forma entry on the Events page. Any changes should be sent to Coach Monty tonight before 9:00 pm Thanks for being a MAST family

Monty Hopkins

Sunday, November 27, 2022 Hello MAST Families, It is hoped that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and were able to spend quality time with friends and family. I am truly thankful for the opportunity to coach all the great swimmers on MAST and am looking forward to bigger and better things with each passing week. TEAM FUNDRAISING – CANDLE SALES Thanks to everyone who got involved in the candle sales fundraiser to help the MAST program. The update from Scott Fentress Is very encouraging. Congratulations to the...

Monty Hopkins

Sunday, November 20, 2022 Hello MAST Families, THANKSGIVING WEEK PRACTICE SCHEDULE MONDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY PLUS FRIDAY MAST PRACTICE – Our pool time is based on the Milford High School schedule. We realize that students in other school districts may still be in school, but the Milford High School building will be closing at 4:00 pm so we are not able to offer MAST practice after 4:00 pm. We are, however, able to offer an additional practice on Friday, November 25 that we had not previously scheduled. It is hoped that...

Monty Hopkins

Please note change in time Nov. 14-20 WK # 9 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY DATE Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 MEETS Commit à WTRC Dec. 2-3 MARLINS Jose Cerda Invitational MARLINS Jose Cerda Invitational MARLINS Jose Cerda Invitational POOL TIME 6:00-9:30 PM 6:00-9:30 PM 6:00-9:30 PM 6:00-9:30 PM TBA TBA TBA RED 1 NO PRACTICE D) 5:45–6:00 S) 6:00–6:45 NO PRACTICE D) 5:45–6:00 S) 6:00–6:45 swim meet swim meet swim meet RED 2 D) 7:15–7:30 S) 7:30–8:15 D)...

Monty Hopkins

Hello MAST Families, NEW INFORMATION NO MONDAY (November 14) MORNING PRACTICE - Monday morning practice for Black 2 & 3 in cancelled due to late time at finals this weekend. All groups will have regularly scheduled afternoon practices. We are learning a lot this weekend about things to work on, so let’s get right back to work. SWIM MEET NOTES: Parents of 12 & Under swimmers are asked to check the heat sheets posted on the website and write their swimmers events, heats, and lanes on the swimmer’s arm before...

Monty Hopkins

See additional information from the RAYS at the end of this message Thursday, November 10, 2022 Hello MAST Families, Here are a few items that need to be addressed as we get into a swim meet weekend. THURSDAY (NOVEMBER 10 / TODAY) PRACTICE FOR BLACK 2 & 3 – We will only be doing 15 minutes of Dryland today, so Black 2 & Black 3 swimmers should be ready for Range of Motion and Mobility work pre-practice at 6:30 pm and practice will begin at the regular 6:45 pm time....

Monty Hopkins

Sunday, November 6, 2022 Hello MAST Families, Candle Fundraiser: This is a very important fundraiser for MAST. We are fortunate to have a great connection to a local company (owner is a former MAST family) that produces high-quality, long-lasting candles. We are asking every MAST swimmer to sell at least 10 candles and there are prizes for the top sellers! These candles are great anytime, but especially around the holidays, so reach out to everyone you know and offer them the chance to get these great candles. November Meets: RAYS...

Monty Hopkins

Sunday, October 30, 2022 Hello MAST Families, Halloween Practice Black 2 & Black 3 will have regularly scheduled practice – all other groups are cancelled on Monday, October 31. November Meets: RAYS November Invitational (November 11 – 13): The MAST entry has been accepted and more information will be posted this week. MARLINS Jose Cerda Memorial Invitational (November 18 – 20): The entry will be submitted to the meet host on Monday, October 31 before 4:00 pm. If there are any last minute additions or deletions please e-mail [email protected] before...

Monty Hopkins

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 Hello MAST Families, It is a goal to only e-mail once a week, but occasionally new information is available that cannot wait until Sunday. Today is one of those days. RAYS November Meet Information The meet information “book” was published today, it is posted on the Events page. Please either “Commit” or “Decline” for the RAYS November meet by tomorrow (Wednesday, October 25 by noon). This meet is a Timed Finals format for Relays, 1650 & all 8 & Under events and has a Prelim /...

Monty Hopkins

Sunday, October 23, 2022 Hello MAST Families, Black 2 & Black 3 Morning Practices Begins Tomorrow – October 24 Practice is 6:00 – 7:15 am. That is a short practice so please be early (ready to enter building at 6:00 am) and ready to get in the water promptly. Remember these are additional practices, not a substitution for afternoon practice. The morning practices are strongly recommended but not required. MAST Team Pictures Tomorrow – October 24 Team photo at 5:00 pm. Individual photos to follow. Wear team suit. For more...

Upcoming Team Events