Supplemental - but important - MAST Information

Monty Hopkins
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Hello MAST Families,
It is a goal to only e-mail once a week, but occasionally new information is available that cannot wait until Sunday. 
Today is one of those days.
RAYS November Meet Information
The meet information “book” was published today, it is posted on the Events page. 
Please either “Commit” or “Decline” for the RAYS November meet by tomorrow (Wednesday, October 25 by noon).
This meet is a Timed Finals format for Relays, 1650 & all 8 & Under events and has a Prelim / Final Format for all other events (9-10, 11-12, 13-14 & 15 & Older). 
This meet format will be very beneficial preparation for those planning to compete at Fishers (still tentative) and the MAKOS meet in December. 
Swimming a Prelim / Final Meet in November will be a great experience for everyone!  Please sign up today.
Practice Schedule Reminder
Due to pool scheduling we can have earlier practices on this Wednesday (Oct. 26) and this Friday (Oct. 28). 
Make sure to check the practice schedule published in the Sunday weekly update.
Remember only Black 2 & Black 3 have practice on Monday, October 31.
Black 2 & Black 3 Morning Practices Continue Tomorrow – October 26
Morning Practice is 6:00 – 7:15 am on Monday and Wednesday as well as Friday until high school starts their Friday morning practices.
I was very encouraged by the attendance on the first day but the key to benefitting from additional (morning) training is to be consistent.  
Make morning practice a discipline and you will be rewarded. 
Don’t worry about the initial struggle with the time.
Experience tells me that once it becomes a routine, your body will adapt. 
It is important to eat right after morning practice (chocolate milk, fruit and some other complex carbohydrate seem to be well tolerated by most swimmers). 
I also suggest a small protein-based breakfast before practice (hard- boiled eggs, yogurt, peanut butter on a bagel, are some of the things that can be prepared the night before). 
Your goal throughout the day should be to drink a lot of water (half your body weight in ounces is the current recommendation / sports science trend.  If you weigh 120 pounds, drink 60 oz. of water).
Team Pictures
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the MAST team picture day yesterday. 
Special thanks to Monica Nerl for leading the organization and to those parents who volunteered to assist in the event. 
Kate Johnson said that was the best organized team picture session of which she has ever been a part.
We are told that pictures will be available to those who ordered them in about three weeks.
Team Fundraising
The candle fundraiser was a tremendous success last year and we are going to bring it back again this year. 
These high-quality, great-smelling, long-lasting candles produced by a former MAST family and local Milford resident make a great  Christmas -present. 
Start talking to potential customers now, the full information will be available soon.
See you at the pool,