Monty Hopkins
Hello MAST Families
The SWIM-A-THON is set for Friday, June 10.
We hope to have maximum – and enthusiastic - participation. 
Doors Open              4:00 pm
BLACK 2 & 3            4:30 – 6:00 pm        Swim Goal = 200 lengths of the pool (5,000 yds. In under 90 minutes)
BLACK 1*                 6:30 – 8:00 pm        Swim Goal = 100 lengths of the pool (2,500 yds. In under 90 minutes)
RED 1, 2 & 3            6:30 – 8:00 pm        Swim goal Red 2 & 3 = 66 lengths of the pool (1,650 yds. In under 90 minutes)
                                                                        Swim goal Red 1 = 40 lengths of the pool (1,000 yds. In under 90 minutes)
Any Masters swimmers wishing to participate are welcome to swim at 6:00 pm with the Red 1-2-3 & Black 1 groups
  1. *We moved Black 1 to the later time slot to balance out the numbers – please see Coach Monty if you are Black 1 and not able to come at the later time.
  2. We will arrange “make-up” Swim-A-Thon opportunities for those who are not able to participate Friday night.
It’s not too late to get pledges.  Remember, people like to help.  Just ask them for their support.
If you don’t have a pledge sheet, one can be downloaded from the webpage.
Please see Events page for complete description and details