Parent Meeting Notes

Monty Hopkins

MAST – Parent Meeting Notes from September 9, 2021                                                                       

  1. Group Focus
    1. RED GROUPS – Technique and skill development
      1. Red 1, Red 2 & Red 3 –
        1. The focus will be learning stroke techniques to improve swimmer efficiency in the water. 
        2. The same effort used at the start of a season to swim 100 yards will, through the season, be used to swim 500 yards.
        3. Learning and refining the swimmer’s strokes will be a priority but those skills become easier as swimmers develop strength and coordination. 
        4. Swimmers are expected to work hard and challenge themselves.
        5. One goal is for swimmers to be able to compete in competitive swimming with proper techniques in all strokes without being disqualified. 
        6. It is important to continually re-enforce legal swimming and proper technique in daily practice.
    2. BLACK GROUPS – Progressive Overload Training and competition focused training
      1. Black 1, Black 2 & Black 3
        1. Training Periodization - Weeks have different development objectives and these objectives are linked to a season-long development plan. 
        2. Race Pace Based – One practice per day. The goal is to train using swim quality technique at race pace speed. 
        3. Recovery driven adaptations – neither time nor volume are the objectives. 
        4. Training loads are quality based therefore recovery between training stresses are very important. 
        5. Adaptation to higher loads (and subsequent swimming performance) are the result of moving the swimmer out of baseline (homeostasis) then stressing again at higher adaptation levels.
        6. As swimmers join Black 1 the emphasis on meeting training standards becomes a higher priority.
        7. As swimmers reach the training capacity and the athletic maturity to be challenged at a higher level they will be encouraged to meet the standards of the next higher level group.
  1. Equipment Needs
    1. Red Groups – MAST supplies needed training equipment
    2. Black 1 – Required training equipment available at pool, some swimmers may prefer to have their own.
    3. Black 2/3 – Short fins, Paddles, ankle band, ½ kickboard, nose plug, mesh bag (recommended), tempo trainer
  1. Sick or Injured at Practice or Meets
    1. First Aid administered by coach (if needed) or by host staff (i.e. lifeguard)
    2. Notify parent immediately (if necessary) – we will need your cell number
    3. Prior to away meets – if parents are not permitted as spectators – we will need parent volunteers to function as a contact person should the need arise. 
  1. Group Standards
    1. The proper training group must take into consideration (a) Training age, (b) Social age, and (c) Biological age.
    2. Competitive swimming is driven by improvement
    3. Time standards used to improve to next training group
    4. Standards may seem very hard, but swimmers have an amazing capacity for reaching clearly defined standards
      1. We are concerned that the standards may turn out to be too easy.
    5. Will help us progress swimmers – when ready – to the next more challenging training level
    6. Ultimately, we expect to raise the performances of all MAST swimmers and our profile as a USAS club.
    7. USAS Age-Group Motivational Standards (on-line USAS) as performance measures
    8. Training standards as practice standards
    9. Coach / Parent meeting (can be via e-mail, but in-person if requested) before finalizing a group change.
    10. Standards are listed at the end of this information
  1. Communicate With Coaches
    1. E-mail is best but can’t always cover everything (We try to return all e-mails within 48 hours)
    2. Text message if immediate response is necessary
    3. Parents should sign up to receive text messages (SMS) from MAST – see separate instructions
    4. Phone call as needed (Please do not call after 9:30 pm).
    5. Face-to-Face
      1. Quick talk – after practice concludes while waiting for swimmers
      2. By appointment – as needed
    6. We will not be able to talk, text or call during practice (except in emergency situations)
    7. Coach contact information
      1. Coach Corey Dauw
        1. 513 – 657 – 3326  
        2. [email protected]
      2. Coach Emily Wethington
        1. 513 – 806 – 7538  
        2. [email protected]
      3. Coach Erin New
        1. 317 – 690 – 4138  
        2. [email protected]
      4. Coach Monty Hopkins
        1. 513 – 502 – 5465  
        2. [email protected]
  1. Meet Schedule (to be announced)
    1. Red Groups: Trying to schedule local meets every 3-4 weeks (no overnights)
    2. Black Groups: Trying to have two or three weekend invitations / one out of town each half season
    3. Trying to have one or two prelim / final meets each half season
    4. Currently there is no news regarding spectators however all other sports are permitting spectators so it is expected (hoped) that this policy will also apply to swimming meets.
  1.  Swimmer Behavior at Practice
    1. Pay attention / ask if you don’t understand
    2. Work hard / be tough / improve something every day
    3. Respect others / be a great teammate
    4. Learn how to function in a practice group and swimming lane
    5. Use the pace clock and know your times (both in practice and your meet times)
    6. Recommended – keep a training logbook (Black Groups)
  1. Possible Covid Protocols – we will follow Milford High School directions and requirements
    1. Personal hygiene – always a good practice
    2. Physical separation - currently not required but recommended (by government officials) when in group settings.
    3. Masks – currently not required but recommended (by government officials) when in group settings.
    4. Wellness checks – if mandated
    5. Personal responsibility – swimmers should stay home if there are any signs of illness
    6. In the pool –
      1. Once practice begins swimmers should remove masks and store them in a plastic bag with their personal belongings.
      2. It is assumed that being in the pool is one of the safest environments for athletic activity.
      3. Maintaining personal space (within reason) and avoiding breathing directly in another swimmer’s face are highly recommended. 
      4. Swimmers are usually involved in constant activity so the likelihood of being in close proximity to another individual for 15 minutes or longer is unusual.
  1. MAAPP Requirements  (Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy)
    1. MAST coaches and directors respect every child and will never knowingly put any child in jeopardy.
      1. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the safety or welfare of your child, or improper behavior of any other individual associated with MAST, please contact the group coach, head coach, board member immediately, or proper authority (in that order).
    2. Everyone should read and confirm understanding USAS MAAPP 2.0 policy
    3. Link to MAAPP 2.0 (effective Sept. 1, 2021) 
  1. General Coaching Philosophy
    1. Winning is not the objective, winning is an outcome driven by character
    2. Never give up (on any swimmer) – DO NOT QUIT
    3. Give an honest effort every day – HONOR YOUR WORD
    4. Swimming is a healthy, life-long sport that each individual should enjoy (have fun participating in) while developing mental, social and physical abilities.
  1. Standard Procedures:
    1. How to enter and exit practice
      1. Arrive early and ready to start (Be ready so you don’t have to get ready)
      2. Being quiet when other groups are in the pool
      3. Clean up – leave your space better than you found it
    2. Proper clothing and shoes for dryland is essential (coaches have option to sit out swimmers who are not wearing proper attire:  athletic footwear (gym shoes) and clothing that allows for free, full range movement
    3. Enter and exit pool and pool area in a safe manner.
    4. Locker rooms are off limits until high school students have left
    5. Parents should refrain from using the same locker room used by students
    6. Parents are welcome to attend and observe swim practice – use good judgment
      1. Please do not interact with your child during practice (except in an emergency or medically necessary)
  1. Fundraising
    1. We need families to participate in working at MAST hosted swim meet
    2. Need swimmers and parents to support fundraising efforts
    3. We will develop fundraising opportunities during the year to help keep MAST high quality and affordable sport.
    4. Plans are being developed for a “Lap-A-Thon” on Friday, October 8
      1. Swimmers ask family and friends to sponsor the number of laps completed (cash donation to MAST)
      2. Goals will be set up for each group.
      3. More details to follow




What are USA Swimming Motivational Time Standards?

The letters refer to the time standards that are used to place swimmers in terms of how fast they swim.

As your times will improve and you'll find yourself shifting from one standard to another.

These are the standards that appear in your USA Swimming Deck Pass account / app.

 B TIMES The B time standard is usually the one you'll reach first. It is a measure of time and competence in the performance of that stroke. Achieving a 'B' time at a swim meet indicates a correct execution of complicated stroke technique. A 'B' time represents a level equal to 68% of the National Top 16 Reportable Time.

BB TIMES It is a very big step when you achieve a "BB" time. In addition to the correct performance of a particular stroke, you have also achieved a speed only a limited percentage of swimmers can perform. Like "B" times, each age group has its own list of "BB" times. A 'BB' time represents a level equal to 75% of the National Top 16 Reportable Time.

A TIMES An 'A' time represents a level equal to 84% of the National Top 16 Reportable Time.

AA TIMES There is a much smaller gap between "AA" and "A" as compared to the wide one between "B" and "A". You often need an "AA" time to compete in a Trials and Finals format meet. An 'AA' time represents a level equal to 89% of the National Top 16 Reportable Time.

AAA TIMES  'AAA' times represent a level equal to 93% of the National Top 16 Reportable Time.

AAAA TIMES These are the highest levels in the National Age Group Times progressions.  'AAAA' (often referred to as “Quad A”) times represent a level equal to 97% of the National Top 16 Reportable Time.

NATIONAL REPORTABLE TIMES (NRT TIMES) A NRT represents a level that a swimmer must surpass to submit their names for consideration on the annual Top 16 list.

The annual rankings (short course and long course) are published in Swimming World magazine and each qualifier receives a certificate of recognition from USAS. Swimmers earning a NRT Time are in the Top 1% of American Age Group swimmers.

Senior Level Time Standards – These are the 2020 standards and will updated when the new standards are available

Sectionals:  Date and location TBD

Futures: July 27 – 30, 2022 at Location TBD

Winter Junior Nationals:  December 8 – 11, 2021 at Location TBD  (scy)

Summer Senior Nationals:

U. S. Open Championships:  December 1 – 4, 2021 at Greensboro, NC  (LCM)


  1. Group Standards – Standards are minimum to advance.  Must meet all* for standards (or alternative stroke standards (table 6-B). Group change must include communication with parents – Start September in summer group. Try to move up each month.


Table 1   Primary performance standards:

(example:  If a swimmer wants to move from Black 1 to Black 2, they will need to do the Black 2 standards)


Current Group
Proposed new
Age Range
Minimum Attendance
Per Age Group - Summer times use Oct. (see LCM times)
10 & U
2 avg / wk.
8 / mo.
10 x 50
@ 1:15
1 x 200
12 x 25
@ :45
4 USAS “B” Times
RED 2#
9 – 12
2 avg / wk.
8 / mo.
10 x 100
@ 2:00
5 x 100
@ 2:30
10 x 50
@ 1:30
4 USAS “BB” Times
3 avg / wk.
12 / mo.
12 x 100
@ 1:45
4 x 200 
@ 4:00
10 x 50
@ 1:30
4 USAS “A” Times
10 – 13
4 avg / wk.
16 / mo.
15 x 100
@ 1:30
5 x 200 
@ 3:30
20 x 50
@ 1:15
5 USAS “A” Times or 2 USAS “AA” Times
5 / wk.
20 / mo.
(b) 20 x 100
@ 1:15
(g) 20 x 100
@ 1:20
(b) 8 x 200 
@ 3:00
(g) 8 X 200 
@ 3:15
20 x 50
@ 1:00
5 USAS “A” Times or 2 USAS “AA” Times
5 / wk.
20 / mo.
(b) 25 x 100
@ 1:10
(g) 25 x 100
@ 1:15
(b) 10 x 200
@ 2:45
(g) 10 X 200
@ 3:00
20 x 50
@ :55
6 USAS “A” Times or 2 USAS “AA” Times
(Group currently does not exist)
5 / wk
& am
(b) 30 x 100
@ 1:05
(g) 30 x 100
@ 1:10
(b) 12 x 200
@ 2:30
(g) 12 X 200
@ 2:45
12 x 100
@ 1:45
6 USAS “AA” Times or 2 USAS “AAA” Times


Table 2 - Alternative stroke standards –

Standards from one of the stroke groups can be substituted for one of the three 1 standards above.


Current Group
Proposed new
+:08  12&U 
+:05   13 & O
+:16  12&U 
+:13   13 & O
+:08  12&U 
+:05   13 & O
(currently not part of group advancement)
USAS IMr / IMx - age
(currently not part of group advancement)
10 x 50
@ 1:20
10 x 50
@ 1:30
12 x 25
@ :40
3 x 300 @ 6:00
1 x 1500 @ 30:00
  IMr = 100 FR, 50 BK, 50 BR, 50 BR, 50 FL & 100 IM
  IMx = 200 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 FL & 200 IM
RED 2#
7 x 100
@ 2:10
7x 100
@ 2:20
10 x 50
@ 1:10
4 x 400 @ 7:00
1 x 2000 @ 33:00
  IMr = 200 FR, 50 BK, 50 BR, 50 BR, 50 FL & 100 IM
  IMx = 200 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 FL & 200 IM
8 x 100
@ 1:50
8 x 100
@ 2:10
12 x 50
@ 1:05
4 x 500 @ 7:30
1 x 2000 @ 32:00
  IMr = 200 FR, 50 BK, 50 BR, 50 BR, 50 FL & 100 IM
  IMx = 500 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 FL & 200 IM
10 x 100
@ 1:40
10 x 100
@ 1:55
10 x 75
@ 1:20
5 x 500 @ 7:00
1 x 2000 @ 32:00
  IMr = 200 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 BR, 100 FL & 200 IM
  IMx = 500 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 FL & 200 IM
(b) 12 x 100
@ 1:20
(g) 12 x 100
@ 1:25
(b) 12 x 100
@ 1:40
(g) 12 x 100
@ 1:45
(b) 12 x 75
@ 1:10
(g) 12 x 75
@ 1:15
(b) 5 x 500 @ 5:45
1 x 3000 @ 36:00
(g) 5 x 500 @ 6:15
1 x 3000 @ 38:00
  IMr = 200 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 BR, 100 FL & 200 IM
  IMx = 500 FR, 200 BK, 200 BR, 200 FL & 400 IM
(b) 15 x 100
@ 1:15
(g) 15 x 100
@ 1:20
(b) 15 x 100
@ 1:35
(g) 15 x 100
@ 1:40
(b) 12 x 75
@ 1:05
(g) 12 x 75
@ 1:10
(b) 5 x 500 @ 5:30
1 x 3000 @ 33:00
(g) 5 x 500 @ 5:50
1 x 3000 @ 35:00
  IMr = 200 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 BR, 100 FL & 200 IM
  IMx = 500 FR, 200 BK, 200 BR, 200 FL & 400 IM
(b) 20 x 100
@ 1:10
(g) 20 x 100
@ 1:15
(b) 20 x 100
@ 1:30
(g) 20 x 100
@ 1:35
(b) 12 x 75
@ 1:00
(g) 12 x 75
@ 1:05
(b) 5 x 500 @ 5:10
1 x 3000 @ 31:00
(g) 5 x 500 @ 5:25
1 x 3000 @ 33:00
  IMr = 200 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 BR, 100 FL & 200 IM
  IMx = 500 FR, 200 BK, 200 BR, 200 FL & 400 IM






*Minimum – To be considered for training group advancement, the swimmer must be able to legally complete (3) standards to be considered for advancement to the next group

** IMx scores and distance Challenge are performance levels that swimmers should attempt, but currently these standards are not advancement criteria.

#RED 2 / MAST 2 – can skip RED 3 / MAST 3 based on performance and attendance. The path from Red 2 to Black 2 is bifurcated to allow for older new swimmers, slower developing swimmers and fast rising younger swimmers. (i.e. RED 3 / MAST 3 becomes a path for swimmers who are not advancing as quickly or are older swimmers who have just recently have started swimming.

Training group advancement (except in extraordinary circumstances) will occur only once during the current season – If swimmer achieves higher standards after moving and wants to continue moving up to the next level, a conference with the parent, group coach and the head coach is required.

Sickness is excused from attendance expectations.