Weekly Message - Sunday, May 16, 2021

Monty Hopkins

Hello MAST Families,

We are fast approaching the end of the school year and it seems that the Covid restrictions are being changed on an almost daily basis too.  While no one can know for certain how these changes will impact our world moving forward, there are certain lessons learned that should carry forward regardless of the covid levels.  Not the least of these is a continued attention to standard personal hygiene practices including swimmers not sharing water bottles. While the public restrictions are being lifted everywhere, the coaches at MAST defer to your family decisions regarding personal safety.

There may be some questions regarding whether or not we, as an organization, can have some policy regarding those who have received one of the vaccines and those who have not.  I am not a lawyer, but it is my understanding that in compliance with HIPAA law we are not permitted to ask whether or not someone is vacinnated.  So, in the interest of the continuing best practices, if anyone is manifesting Covid symptoms (we all know what they are by now), we ask that you stay home until you are symptom free or have tested negative for Covid.

Thank you.

The practice schedule for the week was published in last weeks update - there are no changes (so far) for the week.

With the weather warming up and the end of school approaching, it is the time of the year that is full of activity.  We offer as many swim practices as possible under the current agreement with Milford High School but with a current schedule that offers no more than five practices per week we practice fewer times per week than most other teams.  It is for that reason that we choose to plan every practice for maximum benefit and impact. We hope that every MAST swimmer will make it a priority to attend every practice and try, as much as is possible, to work other activities around swim practice. Swimming is a sport that depends heavily upon the SAID principle (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands). Therefore to improve in swimming, one needs to work hard at swimming.  We want everyone on MAST to achieve maximum improvement.

Let's have a great week - See you at the pool.
