Special Update - Covid-19 Exposure

Monty Hopkins

Hello MAST Families,

We learned last night (January 18) that one of our team parents who volunteered during the morning session at the swim meet on Saturday has subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. 

This volunteer was asymptomatic while at the meet and was wearing a mask the entire time. 

It is further believed that this volunteer was not in close contact with anyone for more than a brief moment (the volunteer was recording temperatures at the pool entrance).

This individual began experiencing symptoms by way of losing sense of smell and taste on Saturday afternoon and proceeded to get tested.  The positive Covid test occurred on Monday, January 18.

According to CDC and Health Department guidelines only those who have already been notified through the contact tracing program need to self-quarantine. 

However, as a precaution, we are notifying all MAST families of this potential exposure and we recommend continued safe practices as well as monitoring for Covid-19 symptoms.   

While it is believed that the pool environment is among the safest public environments due to the disinfecting nature of pool water, we want to remind everyone of the importance of adhering to the personal safety protocols that we are all familiar with.    

After consulting the Clermont County Board of Health, Hamilton County Board of Health, the State of Ohio Board of Health, and the CDC we have been advised that it is not necessary to discontinue swim activities.    

Going forward, every effort should be taken to follow medical recommendations and best practices:

  1. Continue to monitor your child’s general heath and watch for any signs that indicate a need to consult your primary care provider.
  2. Continue to follow all precautionary steps such as face covering, physical distancing, hand washing, etc.
  3. For swim practice, we ask that you review the checklist that was included as a part of the team registration.
  4. Do not send your child to MAST practice if they are exhibiting any of the Covid-19 symptoms
    1. A fever (temperature over 100.4 F) without having taken fever reducing medications
    2. Cough
    3. Muscles Aches (not related to exercise)
    4. Sore throat
    5. Shortness of Breath (not brought on by activity)
    6. Chills
    7. Headaches
    8. New loss of taste of smell
    9. Fatigue
    10. Congestion or runny nose
    11. Nausea or vomiting
    12. Diarrhea
    13. Been in close contact with, been diagnosed with Covid-19 or been placed in quarantine.
    14. Close contact with anyone who has experienced Covid-19 symptoms or tested positive.
    15. Been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by a medical professional or a public health official.

Thank you for being members of MAST.  Have a safe week.

See you at the pool,
