MAST Race Series 2 Results - Nov. 25, 2020

Monty Hopkins

Results from Time Trials on Wednesday - see attachements.  These are unofficial results but provide a good snapshot of where our swimmers are at this time - in these particular events.

Red 1 & Red 2 - /ohmast/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/mast---rs2-r1r2-20201125_027919.pdf

Red 3 & Black 1 - /ohmast/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/mast---rs2-b1r3-20201125_036684.pdf

Black 2 & Black 3 - /ohmast/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/mast---rs2-b2b3-20201125_093367.pdf

Note: The headings on the group worksheets all read the same, but they are not. The results are for the linked groups